Who is the most intelligent person you know? Tell us why that is so...
What’s the most out-of-character thing you’ve ever done?
If you had to choose to be beautiful or intelligent, which would you choose? You can't be both...
What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?
You live in a high rise condominium, and one day are having fun with friends by sailing paper airplanes out the window to watch as they fly all the way to the ground. Problem is, one of your paper airplanes seems to distract a pedestrian, who doesn't notice an oncoming car and is hit and run over. You watch, horrified, as an ambulance carries the victim away with lights and siren on. You later find out that your good-looking single neighbor on your same floor was the one hit by the car, breaking his leg. Do you keep it a secret, knowing that your friends know you were the cause of the accident? Or do you go to your neighbor in the hospital? What will you do and say?
How do you conquer your fears?
This takes some research. What would have happened to western civilization if Charles Martel and his army of Franks had been defeated at the Battle of Tours and if Prince Vlad had been defeated by the Ottomans?
Which pollutes our environment more, an electric car or a fuel-powered car? Explain why...
If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose and why?
If you had a genie what is the one thing you would ask for if the wish was for your best friend? What would you wish for if the wish was for your worst enemy?
How would your friends describe you? How would your family describe you? If there is a difference, why is that?
Your plane crashed on a deserted tropical island. You are alone, and only have a pair of boots, a knife a compact mirror, a poncho and the clothes on your back. What is the first task you must do? The second?
You are Pia Wurtzbach and were mistakenly named as 1sr Runner-Up and Miss Colombia was named as Miss Universe 2015. Steve Harvey the MC corrected his mistake and named you as the true Miss Universe. It was an embarrassing moment for everyone involved. What would you say to Miss Colombia at that moment, if you could say anything at all?
Professional athletes, movie and music celebrities are paid millions of dollars. Does that mean their opinions about politics, culture and religion matter more than people in lesser-paid professions like judges, police, military, schoolteachers, truck drivers and carpenters? Why?
What's your idea of a perfect date? Have you ever had a 'perfect' date? Please describe it for us, so we can imagine it ourselves.
Elon Musk says he plans to send one million people to Mars by 2050 by launching three Starship rockets every day and creating 'a lot of jobs' on Planet Mars. He also has the opinion that some will die, and few, if any will ever return to Earth. To create a self-sustaining human colony on Mars, volunteers would have to work hard, take risks and bring knowledge, intelligence, courage and skills. If you decided you wanted to go, what would be your contribution to the Mars colony?
If you could choose any two famous people to have dinner with who would they be?
You and your best friend are on a safari vacation in Africa. Late at night, your friend is suddenly drug out of your tent by a huge lion. You are armed with a large pistol, have a cell phone and a flashlight and except for your best friend, are alone in the wilderness. What exactly would you do in the next sixty seconds? Describe in detail.
Wolves and dogs share 99.9% of their DNA. Technically still the same species, they can also produce healthy offspring. But a dog has a few thousand years of evolution to become human-friendly and domesticated. "Man's best friend". There are laws against mis-treating a dog, while some countries hunt wolves and kill them to reduce their population, which is already numbered in the low hundreds. Is this a human-overpopulation problem? Or is this an example of our cruelty to animals?
Your yacht is sinking near a deserted tropical island, and you only have the ability to carry five of these items to shore. You don't know when or if you will ever be rescued. Which five items do you take with you, and tell us what you will do with them? - A small shovel - A large tarpaulin - 100 yards of nylon rope - A gallon water bottle - One box of waterproof matches - A comic book June 1938 edition of Action Comics - Flashlight - Large Bowie knife - A chess set - The Encyclopedia Britannica - A sturdy backpack - Sunglasses -
What are your life goals? List your top three, and tell us why those are important to you.
ou are Pia Wurtzbach and were mistakenly named as 1sr Runner-Up and Miss Colombia was named as Miss Universe 2015. Steve Harvey the MC corrected his mistake and named you as the true Miss Universe. It was an embarrassing moment for everyone involved. What would you say to Miss Colombia at that moment, if you could say anything at all?
If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?
Imagine you are invited to join colonizers to the planet Mars, and would never return to Earth. During your last few days before leaving, what will you say to your family and friends? Be specific...
Your lunch keeps going missing at work. You are pretty sure you know who is taking it each day. Do you confront her, report her to your supervisor, get revenge by making a cat food sandwich, or do you just keep quiet?
This needs some research, plus your best guess: Slavery affects more than 40 million people worldwide – more than at any other time in history. Some estimate one out of every 200 people alive today, or over 40 million people, are treated as slaves. We keep hearing about slavery in history, so why aren't people freeing present-day slaves?
What was the worst job you ever had? Why?
Who is your best friend? Tell me about her or him. What kind of things do you do together? Tell us a story about your BF.
Some say dogs are just animals. Do you think your pet can also be your best friend? Do you think all dogs go to heaven?
You are out on a date one night, and try out a prank to see how your new boyfriend will react to being frightened. Unfortunately, in the confusion he trips and falls down a flight of stairs. You rush to help him up only to discover he isn't breathing. There is a witness, and she begins screaming loudly that she saw you push him. What, exactly, do you do right now?
What would you say to the people who believe that natural disasters are caused by God's wrath? Or that ‘Everything happens for a reason.”
If you could be guaranteed one thing in life (besides money), what would it be?
Tell me something about yourself that you finally want to tell everyone, and have been keeping it secret until right now.
What is your most treasured memory? Describe it in detail, no matter if it was a secret or not.
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
What's the silliest excuse you ever used to get out of a date?
What was the best gift your parents have ever given to you? Why?
The Moon is always seen in the sky. Why doesn't it fall to Earth? What keeps it up there?
Make a video of you running on the beach just like Bo Derek did in “10” or Pamela Anderson in “Baywatch”. Set it to music. Make it in slow motion. Bring a friend for security. If you can't get to the beach, any place where you can run like that is OK.